
Favicon – what is favicon? Do I need favicon on my site?

What is favicon? A favicon , also known as a favorites icon, shortcut icon, website icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon is a 16×16 or 32×32 pixel square icon associated with a particular website or webpage.Web designer can create such an icon and install it into a website by several means, and most graphical web

Favicon – what is favicon? Do I need favicon on my site?2019-02-04T10:48:26-05:00

What is Google PR? Why is Page Rank important for me? Google PageRank answers.

Here are some questions and answers regarding search engine optimization (SEO), the "science" of achieving high search engine rankings!   Does Google AdWords Help My Ranking? No, (un)fortunately it does not. Google has a very strict policy on separating their search engine index and their pay-per-click service Google AdWords. The only way to improve your

What is Google PR? Why is Page Rank important for me? Google PageRank answers.2019-02-04T10:48:15-05:00

sh404SEF plugin for Joomla 1.5

Joomla sh404SEF Componentmakes Joomla SEO easy and make Joomla sites work better in Google. As a Joomla template customization company, we always aim to make Joomla sites SEO friendly. sh404SEF is one of the best Joomla SEO plugins we have used. Make Joomla SEO friendly with this easy to install and use plugin. It’s simple

sh404SEF plugin for Joomla 1.52019-02-04T10:47:57-05:00

What is landing page? Why I need landing page?

Landing pages - what are they? If you read articles on online marketing, it won't be long before you meet the term "landing page." So what does it mean? And why is it so important? When a visitor first arrives at your site, he or she sees a web page. That first page is the

What is landing page? Why I need landing page?2019-02-04T10:47:41-05:00

Great domain name

Tips on Choosing a Good Domain Name Before you rush out and choose your domain name or name your website, you might want to consider the following points:   1. Your Domain Name Should Be Your Website Name Naming your site after your domain may seem obvious to some of you, but you'll be surprised

Great domain name2019-02-04T10:46:09-05:00

Quality website content

Content, content and again content... If you are creating a website or working on a site you've already created, the content of the site is one of the most important factors for successful search engine marketing. The pages you create should provide valuable information that references very specific terms and concepts that are unique to

Quality website content2019-02-04T10:45:57-05:00

Best web hosting – top 10 webhostings 2018

Here is the list of Top 10 Web Hosting Companies for year 2010/2011 with futures and prices:   Rank Web Hosting Provider Features Bonus Features 1 Inmotion   Business Web Hosting Space: Unlimited Traffic: Unlimited Price: $5.95 Free Domain Name, Choice of Data Centers, Top Technical Support 2 iPage  Trusted Web Hosting Space: Unlimited Traffic:

Best web hosting – top 10 webhostings 20182019-02-04T10:45:32-05:00

Google and Flash? Can Google index Flash sites?

Can Google index a website made entirely in Flash? Yes. Google can now discover and index text content in SWF files of all kinds, including self-contained Flash websites and Flash gadgets such as buttons or menus. This includes all textual content visible to the user. Google supports common JavaScript techniques. In addition, Google can now

Google and Flash? Can Google index Flash sites?2019-02-04T10:45:18-05:00

Sitemap for my website easy

What is a sitemap? A sitemap is an XML file that contains a list of site URLs and related attributes detailing what should be indexed within a specific site. The goal of every web site is to increase site visibility and user traffic. One way to increase site traffic is through search engine optimization. Another

Sitemap for my website easy2019-02-04T10:45:09-05:00

JCE text editor – WYSIWYG text editor for Joomla

Do you need better WYSIWYG text editor for Joomla? Try JCE text editor - it's free and loaded with futures. JCE makes creating and editing Joomla!® content easy. JCE ads you a set of tools to your Joomla!® environment that give you the power to create the kind of content you want, without limitations, and

JCE text editor – WYSIWYG text editor for Joomla2019-02-04T10:44:43-05:00