When you move virtuemart from one URL to another, you have to update the URL settings in your virtuemart configuration. This also applies to moving from or to a subdomain or folder.
To update this file after moving your shop, FTP to your host.
Download virtuemart.cfg.php
Path to File Here
Change your shop URL, and your Secure URL to your new shop address.Both must have either the www. or non-www. They must match UNLESS one is https but it styill must contain the www or non-www like the other one.
If you moved from one host to another, and your thumbnails are not showing
Most of the time you need to re-create the thumbnails. This is done by
Go into your virtuemart administrator. Then to configuration, and then the “site tab”.
Disable “Enable Dynamic Thumbnail Resizing?” Save Your Changes
Then Re-enable “Enable Dynamic Thumbnail Resizing?” Again, and Save.
Also Make Sure The Image Directory is 755
This can cause missing thumbnails
ADDITIONAL IMAGES USUALLY IF CREATED VIA THE MEDI MANAGER HAVE ABSOLUTE URLS. SO, after moving from one domain to another, you need to use csv improved to remove the domain from the url. Or you may use myphpadmin to update the product_files list without the absolute url.