Free Marketing Methods to drive traffic to your website


1. Article Marketing

Article marketing is very powerful and effective. Start writing articles about business related topics, using some hot keywords and keyword phrases. Keep the article short but informative. Just enough to spark the curiosity of the reader to want to find out more, so they click through to your website. You can include a back link to your site in the last paragraph of your article, by saying something like, ‘Do you want to know more about driving traffic to your website?’, please follow this link: for more information.

2. Video Production

Another free marketing method when you need traffic to website, is video production. Just like article marketing, but then with moving visuals and audio. Google, as well as people, absolutely love video. Make a short video about a business related topic, targeting some funky keywords or keyword phrases. Include these in the title of your video, description and tags. Make sure to include a link back to your website in the description of your video. Most pc’s and macs come with a video production application such as MovieMaker or iMovie. When you are satisfied with your video you can upload it to, for example, YouTube.

3. Blogging

Blogging is easy to set up and will truly drive traffic to your website. Start blogging about your business or related topics. Brand yourself as someone that knows about the business you are engaged in. Post interesting articles that people like to read about and soon you will notice people start participating in your discussions. If you need traffic to website now, go crazy on your blogs.

4. Social Media Marketing

Get an account and set up a profile page on the major social networking sites, such as Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn, etc… Put a logo of your company on your profile page, include a little bit about yourself, your services and provide a link back to your website. Keep in mind though, you are engaging into Social media here and not Business media, so try to refrain from throwing your business into people’s faces. Instead, find like minded people that you share a common interest with. Perhaps you have a hobby you wish to share or other personal interests. By doing so, you will meet people that you have a common ground with. Sooner or later they will ask you about your business and what exactly it is you are doing.

In this article we only touched on the Free marketing methods that we use when we need traffic to our website. Of course you can decide to throw some money at it and start using banner advertising and PPC. But like we mentioned before, these methods are temporarily and can be very costly.