
How to change admin password in Joomla?

Did you move your Joomla installation and password doesn't work or did you forget your Joomla admin password? Change the Password in the Database. If the admin user is still defined, the simplest option is to change the password in the database to a known value. This requires that you have access to the MySQL

How to change admin password in Joomla?2019-02-04T10:49:16-05:00

How to move your Joomla! 1.5 site to a new server?

If you've been running a website for a while, you have probably already accumulated quite a bit of content and several 3rd party components and/or modules, and you do not want to start fresh with a new Joomla! installation. This article explains what I did to move HowToJoomla from my test server to the server

How to move your Joomla! 1.5 site to a new server?2019-02-04T10:48:48-05:00

sh404SEF plugin for Joomla 1.5

Joomla sh404SEF Componentmakes Joomla SEO easy and make Joomla sites work better in Google. As a Joomla template customization company, we always aim to make Joomla sites SEO friendly. sh404SEF is one of the best Joomla SEO plugins we have used. Make Joomla SEO friendly with this easy to install and use plugin. It’s simple

sh404SEF plugin for Joomla 1.52019-02-04T10:47:57-05:00

JCE text editor – WYSIWYG text editor for Joomla

Do you need better WYSIWYG text editor for Joomla? Try JCE text editor - it's free and loaded with futures. JCE makes creating and editing Joomla!® content easy. JCE ads you a set of tools to your Joomla!® environment that give you the power to create the kind of content you want, without limitations, and

JCE text editor – WYSIWYG text editor for Joomla2019-02-04T10:44:43-05:00

Akeeba Backup Core – Best Joomla Backup Component

Akeeba Backup Core is the successor to the now famous JoomlaPack component. In a nutshell, Akeeba Backup Core is an open-source backup component for the Joomla! CMS, quite a bit different than its competition. Its mission is simple: create a site backup that can be restored on any Joomla!-capable server. Its possibilities: endless. It creates

Akeeba Backup Core – Best Joomla Backup Component2019-02-04T10:44:31-05:00